
Etiquette of Attending Jalsa Salana

Jalsa participants should:

  • Pray for the safe travel of all members to and from Jalsa.
  • Try to portray the true and beautiful image of the Jamaat, especially to our guests.
  • Cooperate with Khuddam on duty to help you park in appropriate spaces.
  • Register as soon as you come to Jalsa and put on your name badge.
  • Notify security about any suspicious characters not wearing a badge.
  • Offer Salat in congregation at designated times.
  • Observe proper mosque etiquette when in the prayer area.
  • Listen quietly during the recitation of the Holy Quran.
  • Not disturb others by talking among yourselves during the formal sessions.
  • Attend Jalsa sessions in marquees at proper times.
  • Do not visit the dining, bazaar, or exhibition areas during formal sessions.
  • Not waste food and keep the dining area clean.
  • Keep the bathrooms clean and report any nonfunctional bathrooms ASAP.
  • Be courteous to fellow attendees of the Jalsa.
  • Show respect to your elders and act in a kind manner to those younger than you.
  • Not waste time in idle gossip but spend their spare time remembering Allah.
  • Wear Islamic clothing. Men and women should cover their heads.
  • Women must observe Purdah and men must observe Ghaze-Basr (lowering of the eyes).
  • Families should fix their meeting points beforehand to avoid crowding.
  • Make sure that children, as well as teenagers, are at their best behavior.
  • Mothers should come prepared and bring formula, supplies, and diapers, etc for their infants.
  • Constantly pray for the success of the Jalsa.
Jalsa Administration Team

Afsar Jalsa Salana: Naser Noor

Afsar Jalsa Gah: Ahsan Mahmood Khan

Afsar Khidmat-e-Khalq: Anique Tahir

Muntazima-e-Ala: Dhiya Tahira Bakr

Our work is to spread the message of Islam and an inherent part of Islam is peace. Today, there is a great deal of disturbance and conflict in the world, but that will never stop us from our mission.”

– Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba)

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